Saturday, March 5, 2016

Change Your Inner Make Up

Change Your Inner Make Up

"No one can treat you badly unless you believe you are unworthy of respect from others at the subconscious level of the mind. When we have low self esteem we conscious or unconscious invite others to treat us badly.

The solution to raise your bar-your self esteem so that you can stop the old cycle. One way to do that I find very effective is PSYCH-K process. It has helped me to completely alter my self image and increase my self worth. 

I love helping others change the game of life. Instead of complaining and blaming about your life and people and be stuck in that victim's mindset, you can change your unworthiness labels and attract loving and caring people. Life is not happening to you. It is responding to you. 

You attract who you are. So if you don't like you see out there, then change within."

~Rita Soman

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