Saturday, February 13, 2016

You Are Powerful!

If you want to live an average life, you can. There are many already living that life. But if you want to live an extraordinary life, then you will need to reorganize your mind. I mean the way you think, feel and believe about yourself, your goals, people in your life, your self worth, embedded in your subconscious mind that decides what we can or can't achieve in life.

Surprisingly, there are many people who are unaware of the fact that it is our subconscious mind that is in charge of producing the outcome of our efforts and creating perfect health and happiness. It carries positive and negative self labels (beliefs) about ourselves, others and about the world we live in. For those that are living a great life, while inspiring others are operating from a higher level of consciousness. 

What that means is that think highly of themselves, they believe in their self worth and their ability to accomplish what they want in their lives. They are optimistic, they are focused and they think beyond survival. They like to help others, they are humbled by nature, they are loving and caring, they believe in caring collaborating and not competing with others. They possess a positive outlook and are enthusiastic. They are open to learning new ways to help others in need. The list goes on and on. Such people have made a big name in history!

So if you want to achieve your BIG goals, then you will need to change your consciousness. As Albert Einstein said "we can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them." So it is a must that we change they way we think, feel and believe into thinking like great people. Great minds do great things. 

I can help you change beliefs that keep you in struggle mode and limit your ability to create an extraordinary life. You can find further information on my contact page. Remember that you possess the power to realize your dreams and live a great life. We all came here to live a happy and fulfilled life!

Rita Soman 

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