If this testimony I just received is the greatest compliment I have ever received in my profession, I feel very humbled.
Testimonial for Rita Soman
“Two years back I had reached out to Rita with a right ‘Frozen Shoulder’. With my knowledge of alternate therapies I was averse to taking in chemicals like painkillers or subject my body to laser or microwave rays. I was trying healing modalities but I felt that there were some ‘blockages’ that prevented my quick healing. Thats when Rita introduced me to Psych-K and the important ingredient in ANY ‘wholesome’ healing for anyone - the Sub-Conscious Mind. Often ignored, under-estimated or unknown to most of us. For first few sessions I was a bit skeptical about it, wondering if it was another ‘new age’ healing fad. But I couldn’t deny the results that my physical body was showing. The psychosomatic connection of beliefs, thoughts, emotions and physical body and the life itself & circumstances thereof - it was a huge learning and pure evolutionary consciousness that came forth in our weekly sessions. Least did I know that it was just a beginning of my awakening. My relationships, my job, my financial state, my health… EVERYTHING was connected and linked to my Mind (& its belief systems) and truly transformed. I even had retreat symptoms when I “had enough” and wanted to quit but Rita’s unfailing patience & trust in her work made me come back again and again till I had quantifiable and qualitative difference in my life (- the reason I introduced my entire family and recommended it to every friend). Today I am among the top performers & earners in my job. I focus on doing what I love and loving what I do. I enjoy wonderful relationships with my family and most importantly I have learnt to TRULY love myself. The healing journey continues and I will always have a special place for Rita in my heart. Rita is such a compassionate soul dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and believes so strongly in her work that her sheer presence is of healing nature. Great thing about Rita’s whole-brain approach is that she intuitively uses combination of various modalities that help not only your Mind but sets your Soul on its healing journey of true Self-expression. She truly is an Elevator to your Success & Evolution. Thank you & God bless you, Rita, always & forever!”
AS, Gurgaon, India 😊💜🙏🏼
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