Thursday, March 10, 2016

Dramatic Cancer Healing Testimonial From Rita's PSYCH-K Work!

Dear Rita,

Great news and a big thanks to you! My CT scan last week showed no signs of cancer – after 2 years of my cancer journey, it is awesome news. My clear scan comes 8 months after my oncologist told me “you’re probably stage 4” and “morbidity is high in your situation”. I then chose to go against his treatment recommendation and have surgery. My wife and I then started a joyful trip overseas to focus on living, not on disease and doctors. And your words and wisdom were an important part of my process – I am forever grateful to you!

Relevant for everyone is knowing that people can win against advanced cancer, even without drugs. And that living with joy and letting go of emotional baggage has real healing power. My cancer journey has proven wonderful truths about our power over our health and terrible truths about the health industry - my oncologist is only one example in a system of fear that worsens the odds of patients’ success. I see a huge amount of unnecessary fear, suffering, and cancer deaths and I am now on a mission to change things. My view is very positive and I have a lot of good news and truths to share with everyone but these terrible realities need to be exposed!

I look forward to hearing from you and will keep you updated.

Peace and love,

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