Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thank God I Read This Book (The Biology Of Belief by Bruce Lipton)

Thank God I Read This Book

One decision that changed the entire course of my life.  After attending tons of seminars and reading hundreds of self help books over 18 plus years of my profession as a psychotherapist , I was very reluctant to read another book or attend another seminar. Somehow I decided to give it a last chance and read the book, The Biology of Belief. I was totally blown away with the information and then to my surprise he mentioned some ways to reprogram the subconscious. 

Thanks to Dr. Bruce Lipton for sharing your knowledge and PSYCH-K process in your book, The Biology of Belief, and helping me reach many people with your endorsement.
As a result of updating my belief systems, my life continues to throw pleasant surprises in my life. I am able to help people from all over the world via Skype and teaching PSYCH-K workshops  in person. My mission now is to introduce your work and PSYCH-K to as many people/professionals possible. I love the journey I have been on since 2006.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Addiction Is Curable

Addiction is Curable

Staying sober is the basis of recovery. Real healing comes from dealing with the causes of drinking/ using drugs. They call addiction as a relapsing disease. They don't know why the addicted chose to go after drugs and alcohol. I am honored to use a life changing process known as PSYCH-K, created by Robert M. Williams and introduced by Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of book, The Biology of Belief. This process not only allowed  me to effectively help by clients, it also helped me in addressing my codependency and workaholism at the root level. As needed I blend this process with psychotherapy. The results from this work have been life transforming. 

Seeing the effectiveness of this process I feel it is my duty to share with others. The fact that it is our subconscious mind that creates 95 percent of our decisions, behaviors and biology, if not aligned with our wishes and desires, won't get us the long term results we are seeking. 

I share what I know know now. Those who are ready to change the game of their lives find me and others politely say, "No thank you." Either way I continue to do my service!!

The 'Good News.'

PSYCH-K can help people create a life they desire, regardless of their issues!!

I am an internationally certified PSYCH-K instructor. I am honored to be endorsed by Bruce Lipton, author of book, The Biology of Belief.

Listen to Dr. Gabor Mate:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Struggle Is Optional

Struggle is optional. Choice is yours. There is an easy and quick way to free yourself from beliefs that hold you back in life! 

Proof is in the pudding!!

"Rita, thank you so much for the life changing work you are helping me using, PSYCH-K process. After only a few sessions my life has vastly improved. I have experienced many forms of therapy on my search for healing, PSYCH-K has released me from past issues so fast and brought me so much peace, relaxation, and joy. It has reduced my anxiety, got me over my self sabotage and brought me a better life. I would absolutely recommend anyone to try this process with Rita, it is worth the investment. Nothing will pay you back better. I have tried Reike, Tapping EMDR, Gesualt therapy, psychoanalysis, NLP, Inner Child, Landmark forum, and many, many others...and nothing works as good as PSYCH-K with Rita Soman. Do yourself a favor and enter into a world you never dreamed of :) 
Thank you Rita I love you and all the work you've done and helping me get over bad programing from a very traumatic childhood that as plagued me for years. It feels good to finally be free of all those issues!!! I never dreamed my life could be this good."

~GT, Minnesota

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Another Testimonial For Rita Soman: Awakened And Empowered

Dear Rita,

Thanks for giving me one of the best gift in life-realization that everything is a reflection of me. You made everything make sense and made me start on a beautiful journey-my love story with myself.

"If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you love yourself fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn, that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will be showered in roses."
~Forty Rules of Love

Hope to see you in person. 
Till then,
Love and regards

~SA, New Delhi

Rita Soman Offers PSYCH-K Sessions To Australia Via Skype

Rita Soman offers PSYCH-K sessions to Australia and anywhere around the globe via Skype. Visit Rita's website for details 

Dramatic Cancer Healing Testimonial From Rita's PSYCH-K Work!

Dear Rita,

Great news and a big thanks to you! My CT scan last week showed no signs of cancer – after 2 years of my cancer journey, it is awesome news. My clear scan comes 8 months after my oncologist told me “you’re probably stage 4” and “morbidity is high in your situation”. I then chose to go against his treatment recommendation and have surgery. My wife and I then started a joyful trip overseas to focus on living, not on disease and doctors. And your words and wisdom were an important part of my process – I am forever grateful to you!

Relevant for everyone is knowing that people can win against advanced cancer, even without drugs. And that living with joy and letting go of emotional baggage has real healing power. My cancer journey has proven wonderful truths about our power over our health and terrible truths about the health industry - my oncologist is only one example in a system of fear that worsens the odds of patients’ success. I see a huge amount of unnecessary fear, suffering, and cancer deaths and I am now on a mission to change things. My view is very positive and I have a lot of good news and truths to share with everyone but these terrible realities need to be exposed!

I look forward to hearing from you and will keep you updated.

Peace and love,

Monday, March 7, 2016

Testimonial For Rita's PSYCH-K Work From A Client In India

If this testimony I just received is the greatest compliment I have ever received in my profession, I feel very humbled.

Testimonial for Rita Soman

“Two years back I had reached out to Rita with a right ‘Frozen Shoulder’. With my knowledge of alternate therapies I was averse to taking in chemicals like painkillers or subject my body to laser or microwave rays. I was trying healing modalities but I felt that there were some ‘blockages’ that prevented my quick healing. Thats when Rita introduced me to Psych-K and the important ingredient in ANY ‘wholesome’ healing for anyone - the Sub-Conscious Mind. Often ignored, under-estimated or unknown to most of us. For first few sessions I was a bit skeptical about it, wondering if it was another ‘new age’ healing fad. But I couldn’t deny the results that my physical body was showing. The psychosomatic connection of beliefs, thoughts, emotions and physical body and the life itself & circumstances thereof - it was a huge learning and pure evolutionary consciousness that came forth in our weekly sessions. Least did I know that it was just a beginning of my awakening. My relationships, my job, my financial state, my health… EVERYTHING was connected and linked to my Mind (& its belief systems) and truly transformed. I even had retreat symptoms when I “had enough” and wanted to quit but Rita’s unfailing patience & trust in her work made me come back again and again till I had quantifiable and qualitative difference in my life (- the reason I introduced my entire family and recommended it to every friend). Today I am among the top performers & earners in my job. I focus on doing what I love and loving what I do. I enjoy wonderful relationships with my family and most importantly I have learnt to TRULY love myself. The healing journey continues and I will always have a special place for Rita in my heart. Rita is such a compassionate soul dedicated to the evolution of consciousness and believes so strongly in her work that her sheer presence is of healing nature. Great thing about Rita’s whole-brain approach is that she intuitively uses combination of various modalities that help not only your Mind but sets your Soul on its healing journey of true Self-expression. She truly is an Elevator to your Success & Evolution. Thank you & God bless you, Rita, always & forever!”

AS, Gurgaon, India 😊💜🙏🏼

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Power Is In You!

The Power Is In You

Neuroscience reveals that more  than 95% of our decisions, behaviors are generated by the subconscious mind. We control our life using our conscious mind only 5% of the time. So it is very important that we look into our subconscious mind's tape recorder and see what messages it has recorded over time and then change what doesn't match our goals, is the only way to generate long lasting behavioral changes. Learning tools that are only geared for the  one conscious mind, won't get us the results we are going after!

I have found PSYCH-K process to be of great value in getting my clients freedom from their limiting beliefs, that cause them to fail and be stuck in the vicious  cycle of relapse. In over 28yrs of my experience as a psychotherapist, I haven't seen a process that makes such great changes in human consciousness. 

I am grateful for Dr. Bruce Lipton for sharing valuable information about the subconscious mind and introducing PSYCH-K process by Rob Williams  in his book, The Biology of Belief. It is my honor to share what I know now with those who are ready for a breakthrough in life and in their practice of health modalities, including psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and hypnotherapists, etc.

The proof is here:

For more info. visit my website and blog at:

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Change Your Inner Make Up

Change Your Inner Make Up

"No one can treat you badly unless you believe you are unworthy of respect from others at the subconscious level of the mind. When we have low self esteem we conscious or unconscious invite others to treat us badly.

The solution to raise your bar-your self esteem so that you can stop the old cycle. One way to do that I find very effective is PSYCH-K process. It has helped me to completely alter my self image and increase my self worth. 

I love helping others change the game of life. Instead of complaining and blaming about your life and people and be stuck in that victim's mindset, you can change your unworthiness labels and attract loving and caring people. Life is not happening to you. It is responding to you. 

You attract who you are. So if you don't like you see out there, then change within."

~Rita Soman

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness is An Inside Job

"People usually run after what they missed out in their childhood. For example if they didn't feel loved, they will try to seek they outside, if they didn't have enough money, they go after opportunities to have more money, or if they didn't get acknowledgement as a child, they will become overachievers to fulfill the need for recognition etc. Those who do end up getting what they want, soon they realize that it didn't make them happy. Happiness is an inside job that you can only create by expanding your consciousness, that you can't achieve from outside, because it can only be achieved within. Even though it is good to have the drive to create big in life, but you must check to see which consciousness you are using to reach your goals. Remember that you can't fill your emotional void from outside in."

~Rita Soman