Sunday, February 28, 2016

Take Charge Of Your Life

Take Charge Of Your Life

"It is not your fault what happened to you in your childhood, but it is your responsibility to heal all that doesn't serve your highest good. Don't expect your bad memories to go away with time. It doesn't work that way. In fact longer you hold on to them, stronger hold they get on you and can cause you fatal repercussions. So do something about your unresolved issues, your life will bless you, plus you will feel lighter, empowered and you will be able to create a life you desire and deserve to live."

~Rita Soman

Monday, February 22, 2016

Rita Soman's Journey To Happiness With PSYCH-K

Rita Soman's Journey To Happiness With Psych-K

February 21, my birth date was planned by my parents' desire to have a daughter after their three sons. But years later, it turned out to be the Divine's plan to bring me on the planet. Everything was fine in my life until I fell in love with my first husband in 1977 (who I didn't know was an alcoholic.) I suffered six long years in this abusive marriage, then one day he decided to end his life and he did. After the initial shock and grief, I felt relieved. I was free of him but I was not aware that there was some very serious damage that had taken place as a result of my past trauma with him that took my sanity away.

I got remarried in 1977 to my wonderful second husband but for 18 years I suffered again. It was not due to him, it was due to my low self-esteem, repressed anger, guilt, shame and self hatred, I was unable to accept his love and care. I became depressed and felt hopeless. I went through several types of therapies, took natural anti-depressants but still found myself on the emotional roller coaster ride. I had to endure this pain in silence as I was too ashamed to tell anyone. I kept trying various ways to feel normal, some of them helped but only for a short time. 

Then came a sigh of relief, when I learned from Dr. Bruce Lipton's book The Biology Of Belief  that the source of my problems was buried in my subconscious mind and it can be healed. Dr. Lipton introduced me to the PSYCH-K process in his book. This was going to be my final attempt to heal, which was I said to myself when I had my first session with a trained PSYCH-K facilitator.

PSYCH-K turned out to be a very pleasant surprise for me as it began to unravel the truths about my subconscious programs and the faulty belief systems that  I needed to have redone. It took some time to do the work but when it was finally done WOW!

Where am I today? 
I'm celebrating each moment of my life, feeling in control and living my life by self design feeling empowered. So that was the plan that was chalked out to me by the ALMIGHTY! Now I am being used as THY little assistant to help those who are ready to take charge of their lives. 

Each year of my life is getting better and better. I feel younger and more energized. I feel like I am in a timeless zone, enjoying my human experiences spiritually. I am grateful to all my life experiences (which have taught me valuable lessons.) A apply to enjoy my awesome life doing what I love. My wish is to inspire and help others by being the change. 

And YES, I had a happy birthday as expected!

Thank you for taking tome to read and comment on my posts!

To find out more about PSYCH-K, please visit my official website or look for me on Facebook

Friday, February 19, 2016

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day Greeting From Rita Soman!

Happy Valentine's Day 2016

Love is the highest vibrating emotion. It not only changes 
our chemistry but also impacts all living beings and the planet, positively. There are many who didn't get to experience this emotion in life, especially during their childhood, and as a result their subconscious mind is not familiar with this feeling. So they keep searching for love outside in people and things and still feel empty and unloved.

I migrated to U.S. in 1987 in search of love in my second marriage, after couple failed relationships. I was able to attract via my lovely husband I have been married to for over 28 years. But I was too scared to give and receive love. In my  case due to past trauma during my first marriage, the emotion love was replaced with feelings of unworthiness, fear, anger, self hatred, jealousy etc. Since my mind lost touch with the emotion love, I couldn't give or receive love for a long time until I began to replace the painful and negative emotions with self love. I am very grateful to the modalities of PSYCH-K, EFT, The Emotion Code, Ho'oponopono, psychotherapy,
Shamanic Healing, The Healing Code, Rapid Eye therapy and to those professionals who facilitated the work with me, and piece by piece putting my broken heart together. It is due to the result of my years of consistent work, I can now say, I love myself and I am able to give and receive love to others unconditionally. I am not looking for love outside. It has been such a great feeling to feel good, and feel loved.

Thank you all for your love, your support and for your presence in my life, for some of you with physical presence and for others energetically.

Celebrate this lovely day with those who you feel close to and most importantly love yourself!

Happy Valentine Day!

Greeting To My Visitors In India, Poland, Ireland, Denmark & The Ukraine!

Greetings to my blog visitors from India, Poland, Ireland, Denmark and the Ukraine. Always keep in mind that I offer one one one PSYCH-K sessions internationally. Please visit my official website for further details. You can also reach me by email at

Rita Soman's Recommended Reading (February 2016)

PSYCH-K: The Missing Peace In Your Life by Robert Williams

Forgive To Win! by Walter F. Jacobson M.D.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

You Are Powerful!

If you want to live an average life, you can. There are many already living that life. But if you want to live an extraordinary life, then you will need to reorganize your mind. I mean the way you think, feel and believe about yourself, your goals, people in your life, your self worth, embedded in your subconscious mind that decides what we can or can't achieve in life.

Surprisingly, there are many people who are unaware of the fact that it is our subconscious mind that is in charge of producing the outcome of our efforts and creating perfect health and happiness. It carries positive and negative self labels (beliefs) about ourselves, others and about the world we live in. For those that are living a great life, while inspiring others are operating from a higher level of consciousness. 

What that means is that think highly of themselves, they believe in their self worth and their ability to accomplish what they want in their lives. They are optimistic, they are focused and they think beyond survival. They like to help others, they are humbled by nature, they are loving and caring, they believe in caring collaborating and not competing with others. They possess a positive outlook and are enthusiastic. They are open to learning new ways to help others in need. The list goes on and on. Such people have made a big name in history!

So if you want to achieve your BIG goals, then you will need to change your consciousness. As Albert Einstein said "we can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them." So it is a must that we change they way we think, feel and believe into thinking like great people. Great minds do great things. 

I can help you change beliefs that keep you in struggle mode and limit your ability to create an extraordinary life. You can find further information on my contact page. Remember that you possess the power to realize your dreams and live a great life. We all came here to live a happy and fulfilled life!

Rita Soman 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Rita Soman's Basic PSYCH-K Workshop Begins Saturday. February 13, 2016

Join Rita Soman for day one of her Basic PSYCH-K Workshop on Saturday, February 13, 2016 in Troutdale, Oregon. The workshop continues on Sunday, February 14th. Click here for the complete details:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Rita Soman's Quote Of The Day

Rita Soman's Basic PSYCH-K Workshop Begins Saturday, February 13th (Register Now!)

There is still time to register for Rita Soman's Basic PSYCH-K Workshop, which will be held Saturday, February 13 & Sunday, February 14, 2016 in Troutdale, Oregon. You can find out further information here:

Rita Soman (503) 667-2023

Official Website:

Rita Soman's Brand New Interview On Heart Expansion Radio (February 2016)

Click on this link for Rita Soman's brand new interview on Heart Expansion Radio

Greetings To My Visitors From Germany!

I just wanted to say thank you to my blog visitors from Germany and always remember that I can provide personal PSYCH-K sessions to residents of Germany and other interested people worldwide via Skype. Send your name and address to or visit my website: 

Make sure to make 2016 the best year of your life!

Thank You,
Rita Soman

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Rita Soman Basic PSYCH-K Workshop Coming This Weekend!

Make 2016 your best year ever by investing in yourself by attending Rita Soman's Basic PSYCH-K Workshop on February 13 & 14, 2016 in Troutdale, Oregon. You can find further information on how to register here:

Rita Soman Quote Of The Day

Join Rita Soman's Mailing List!

Join Rita Soman's mailing list and you will be updated throughout the year on Rita's workshops, events and PSYCH-K services. Send your name and email to

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Rita Soman Offers PSYCH-K Sessions Worldwide Via Skype!

No matter where you are in the world, I can offer PSYCH-K Sessions to you via Skype. Sessions through Skype have proved to be every bit as effective as in person sessions!

For more information, visit my Official Website: or call (503) 667-2023

Rita Soman Quote Of The Day

Rita Soman February 13 & 14 Basic PSYCH-K Workshop Information

There is still plenty of time to register to Rita Soman's Basic PSYCH-K Workshop, which will be taking place this coming weekend February 13, 14, 2016 in Troutdale, Oregon. Click on this link for further details:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rita Soman Offers PSYCH-K Sessions Worldwide Via Skype!

Rita is able to do PSYCH-K sessions worldwide via Skype. Contact her for details at

Rita Soman Basic PSYCH-K Workshop February 13, 14, 2016 Register NOW!

Rita Soman will be facilitating a Basic PSYCH-K workshop on February 13 &14, 2016 in Troutdale, Oregon. You can contact Rita by telephone at (503) 667-2023 or by visiting Rita's website at: